general toc   semester 1   semester 2   semester 3   semester 4   semester 5
This website represents the archives of Aidrian V. O'Connor's studies and work in the area of comparative mythology and religion.  As of the current date, this archive consists strictly of written and visual material that has been produced as part of Mr. O'Connor's work towards obtaining a Banchelor of Arts Degree from Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont.  As such, the work is organized by semester, and includes correspondences between Mr. O'Connor and his advisors (professors).  Clicking one of the hyperlinks above will take the user to a specific and detailed table of contents page for that semester.

AUTHOR'S NOTE, 1/2022: This archive of work is extremely partial. Images are missing, whole semesters' work are missing, etc. Regardless I am posting this archive in the state that I found it on a back-up drive roughly 25 years after its creation. I may or may not come back in the future in an attempt to flesh out the assets and materials that are missing.