Natures Word: Musings on Sacred Geometry


AUTHOR'S NOTE, 1/2022: As noted below, the original content for Nature's Word was created as part of my work to obtain my Bachelor's Degree at Goddard College from 1996 - 2000. As my knowledge of web development grew in the years after I updated the website various times, eventually ending up with a site built on WordPress that was hacked and irreparably destroyed c. 2016. I was unable to find any backup copies of any past version of the website and thought it completely lost until 12/2020, when I happened to discover a copy of the very first version of the site that I had built while at Goddard on an old backup disk.

I have continued to study and practice sacred geometry in the more-than twenty years since I originally created the content for Nature's Word. I believe it to be fair to say that my understanding and ability to utilize it in a hands-on fashion has outstripped what is represented by the original text and art found here - but I also believe that there is still value to be found in this work, and as such I am reposting it as close to it's original state as I can manage.

I hope to post additional work and materials to this site as time allows. For now, I am happy to have not yet lost all of this work to the sands of time.

Original "About" text follows...

Nature's Word is in an ongoing process of creation by Aidrian O'Connor, a self-educated student of sacred geometry. Aidrian is currently working towards obtaining his Bachelor's degree through the off-campus independent study program at Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont, with the creation and expansion of this website being the central focus of his school work.

Many of the images herein have been created from scratch, but many have also been taken from other sources, such as the books listed in the bibliography. The majority of the images used on the site are credited in the image credits page to their original source, as well as the source that they were taken from by the author. This page can be accessed by clicking any image with mouseover text reading "Click for Image Credits."

As stated, the main purpose of Nature's Word is to make information freely available to the public regarding sacred geometry as it is understood by the author. It also serves as a record of Aidrian's work for both personal and scholastic reference.

I would greatly appreciate any comments and constructive criticism about your experiences with this site, and also enjoy sharing people's experiences with learning and teaching sacred geometry. Please use the "Contact" hyperlink freely.

Finally, I apoligize for those sections that are linked, yet contain no information - it is an unavoidable consequence of a process years in the making.

Thanks to:

There are many who should be thanked for their assistance and encouragement (either directly or indirectly) in the creation of this project. A few deserve special recognition:

Cameron O'Connor
Michael Bowman
Pteri Czepiel
Melissa Wright
Bob Smith
Steryl Jones
Chris Hables Gray
Rebecca Kidder
Siobhan O'Connor
Alan Hass
Ken Kantro
Joan Hunter
Goddard College

Bright Blessings upon them one and all.