Natures Word: Musings on Sacred Geometry


Critchlow, Keith.  Time Stands Still 
     St. Martin's Press, 1982 
 Lawlor, Robert.  Sacred Geometry; Philosophy and Practice 
     Thames and Hudson, 1989 
de Lubicz, R.A. Schwaller.  Egyptian Mysteries; An Introduction tothe Wisdom of the Temple  Inner Traditions International, 1985 
Mann, A.T.  Sacred Architecture ; Element, 1993 
Pennick, Nigel.  Sacred Geometry ; Harper & Row, 1980 
Pugh, Anthony.  Polyhedra; A Visual Approach   University of
     California Press, 1976
Schneider, Michael.  A Beginner's Guide to Contructing the Universe ; Harperperennial Library, 1995 
Wenniger, Magnus J.  Polyhedron Models 
     Cambridge University Press, 1979 
"Lindisfarne Letter 10; Geometry and Architecture" 
     Lindisfarne Assoc., 1980 
"Lindisfarne Letter 14; Homage to Pythagoras" 
     Lindisfarne Assoc., 1982